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Teaching Philosophy

Tingyu Zhang's Teaching Philosophy of the Freshmen Composition Class


As a university instructor, I believe the true art of teaching lies in sparking joy and creativity in students, as Albert Einstein famously stated. A great teacher challenges students to confront their ignorance and track their growth from where they started. In my courses at GSU, I aim to create an interactive, student-centered classroom that blends American educational values with Chinese-style critical guidance, fostering students’ innate curiosity and creativity. My goal is to inspire them to connect what they learn in class with their personal experiences, majors, and future careers, ultimately nurturing their ability to think critically and creatively.


I view myself as a facilitator, guiding discussions, activities, and collaborative learning. While I encourage students to explore and discover key concepts independently, I also intervene when necessary to redirect discussions, challenge biased opinions, and clarify misunderstandings. I design each class with clear goals and multimodal formats, including well-organized PowerPoints and engaging visual aids like videos. These resources help students stay on track and deepen their understanding. My ultimate goal is to inspire students to explore new ideas, develop their critical thinking, and achieve personal growth, helping them to navigate both academic challenges and their future paths with confidence.

                       Updated  2024.12

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