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Student Evaluation

Comment from my student's evaluation of instructor in Freshmen Composition Class:

"Tingyu tried to inspire genuine interaction with the ENGL 1102 content. My instructor answered questions in detail. She really tried to get the class to interact. I appreciated the enthusiasm in which she wanted everyone to stay engaged. She constantly checking over everyone's shoulder questioning students every time they seemed to be deviating from the task on hand really created an environment of strict enforcement. She was really nice when correcting mistakes. She was very kind and helpful to any problems or questions we had."

—— a student in ENGL 1102 class in 2024


 “ENG 1101 has been a transformative experience, significantly elevating my proficiency in professional writing beyond my initial expectations. What resonated with me profoundly was Tingyu's dedication to our success. Through personalized feedback and individual check-ins,

she showed a genuine interest in each student's progress. This approach not only promotes active

participation but also cultivates an environment for both personal and academic growth. ENG

1101 has offered skills that transcend specific majors and establish a foundation for future success.”

​—— a student in ENGL 1101 class in 2023


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                       Updated  2024.12

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